Therapy for People-Pleasers
People-pleasing might seem like the key to connection, yet it could be the very thing standing in the way of the authentic, enriching relationships you want.
People-pleasing often begins as a creative, resourceful, adaptive strategy to get your needs met, especially in childhood when your caregivers hold the key to everything you need. Acting a certain way becomes a way to garner attention, connection, and approval. Alternatively, you may have learned that people-pleasing provides a shield of safety by being invisible, "easy," and unthreatening.
However, putting others' needs above your own can lead to resentment, guilt, and burnout. Breaking this pattern can feel challenging because people-pleasing may seem like the "right" thing to do. Yet, suppressing your discomfort, pain, and stress takes a toll, potentially leading to depression, anxiety, overwhelm, burnout, and disconnection.
In therapy, you'll discover a nonjudgmental and empathetic space. Together, we'll explore your past experiences, unraveling how your people-pleasing strategies both served and hindered you. Shifting to the present, we'll shine a light on how people-pleasing continues to shape your life and impact your relationships. We'll develop new approaches to challenges that historically triggered people-pleasing.
We’ll work together to tune into your inner self, identify your wants and needs, nurture self-compassion, and cultivate new ways to navigate life's challenges authentically and aligned with the person you want to be in the world.